Op-Ed Prop 30
Emilio Cantu-Gil
Professor Stacy Knapp
English 2B
October 14, 2012
is renowned for its world class educational system that educates millions of
students every year. People travel from all corners of the earth to study here
in the Golden State. Unfortunately, if the budget crisis continues, this won’t
be true for much longer. California’s educational system has faced $20 billion
in cuts in the past four years, and as a result over 30,000 educators have been
laid off. California will suffer, taking its students down with it, unless
California passes Proposition 30. Prop 30 is the only initiative on the ballot
this November that protects school and safety funding. As a community college
student I will be personally impacted by the passage of Prop 30, along with
15,000 other students whom I attend Cabrillo College with.
Proposition 30 is important for
California and its citizen’s future, not only because it prevents further cuts
to schools, ensures further funding for safety programs, but it also balances
the budget. It accomplishes these goals by raising income taxes by 1% for only
the wealthiest families making over $500,000, 2% for families making $600,000,
and 3% for families making $1,000,000 or more. For individuals making $250,000
their income taxes will be raised by 1%, individuals making $300,000 will be raised
by 2%, and individuals making $500,000 will be raised by 3%. It also raises
sales tax for everyone a quarter cent for every one dollar you spend for the
next four years. According to the California Labor Federation, California
sales tax will still be lower under Prop 30 than it was last year. It is
estimated that 90% of Prop 30’s revenue will come from California’s highest
Prop 30, if passed, will prevent
future cuts to schools by raising billions of dollars in revenue. This will
allow for smaller classes, updated textbooks, more teachers and faculty. It ensures
further funding for public safety programs by guaranteeing it in the states
constitution. In addition safety programs will be localized so elected
officials can decide how it best helps their community. It will also help fund
certain prison programs. Prop 30 balances the budget by helping pay for years
of debt that the state of California has accumulated.
The Independent Voter Network opposes Prop 30, and claims
that the budget crises is the result of systematic, legislative and budgeting
issues that can’t be fixed by a tax increase. Instead they believe we need to
enable legislature without the “shackles” of term limits, so they can save
California with supreme legislative power. They say that budgeting is a
“nuanced process” that should only be handled by our elected representatives. If
we as a state don’t like what are legislators are doing, we can simply remove
them from office in a future election. Personally, I don’t believe the solution
that is being proposed by the Independent Voter Network will effectively fix our state budget
issues. If this was a valid solution to our budget issues, wouldn’t they
already have been enacted? The budget crisis needs a more effective and
immediate solution, and Prop 30 is that solution.
If Prop 30 doesn’t pass the
consequences will be astronomical for students in the California educational
system. Schools will suffer an additional $6 billion in cuts; $5.8 billion of
those dollars will be cut from public education. Students attending the CSU
system can expect a $150 tuition increase, and K-12 students will have their
school year reduced by three weeks. According to the California Federation of Teachers, the cuts to Cabrillo College
will result in a 7.3% reduction in funding. This $3.5 million dollar cut is
equivalent to denying admission to 780 students, cutting one in thirteen
classes, or eliminating five average-size programs. This will result in a
reduction in support staff, reduced counseling, and cuts in services. These
services include the Writing Center, Math Learning Center, Tutorials,
Children’s Center, Financial Aid, Division Offices, The Library, Student
Employment, Student Affairs, and other services that greatly support the students.
Just the reduction in services will eliminate roughly 95 positions, and these
are just the cuts that are occurring to Cabrillo. Imagine the devastating
impact that these cuts will have on the other millions of students throughout
the state. To me, and other students, this could mean that classes that we need
to transfer may get cut, or it may take longer for us to complete our AA degrees.
For other students it means that they’ll need to take out more loans because
tuition has become more expensive, or they can’t get the occupational classes they
need in order to go back to the work force. These cuts are very real and will
be felt by every student and their family.
Prop 30 is supported by people and
organizations that have California’s best interest at heart. According to
yesonprop30.com and the California Labor Federation these groups and
people include Governor Brown, the League of Woman Voters of California (LWVC),
individuals in law enforcement, educators, community groups, the CSU board of trustees,
Academic Senate, California Faculty Association, CA Student Association, CA
Teachers Association, among others. These groups advocate and fight for Prop 30
because they all agree that passing Prop 30 is is the best thing for
California’s students, and its future.
I cannot stress enough how vitally
important passing Prop 30 is for the future of California’s education. This
Proposition will protect and ensure continued funding for all levels of our
educational system. If you are a student, this decision will directly affect
your education as it does mine. If you are a parent, this will affect your
child’s education, and the community you live in. If you are an educator or law
enforcement professional, this will affect you and your community. If you are a
California Citizen, and you care for our students, public safety, a balanced
budget, and the future of California, there is absolutely no reason you shouldn’t
vote YES for Proposition 30!
"Cabrillo With or Without Prop
30." PowerPoint. Cabrillo College. Cabrillo College Federation
of Teachers, 27 Aug. 2012. Web. 2 Oct. 2012.
"Newspapers throughout the
State Agree - Yes on Prop 30." YES on 30. N.p., n.d. Web. 14
Oct. 2012. <http://www.yesonprop30.com/>.
"Proposition 30 Best Option
Available to Fund Schools." The Modesto Bee. N.p., n.d. Web.
14 Oct. 2012.
"Take a Stand for
Schools and Local Public Safety." California Labor Federation.
N.p., n.d. Web. 14 Oct. 2012.
"Unfiltered Political News.
For You. By You." Independent Voter Network. N.p., n.d. Web.
14 Oct. 2012.
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